To give you an idea of the timing on a triathlon of this length, you can anticipate any of the following scenarios:
The 5k run - anywhere from 27-38 minutes
The 15k bike - anywhere from 35-46 minutes
The 150m swim - between 2-8 minutes.
Grand total = 64 - 92 minutes
For the next six weeks the idea is to increase the length of time by about 10% each week. Hence, at the end of the period, your long day would be about 84 minutes total. With that in mind, here's this week's schedule
Day 1 - 20 minute run
Day 2 - 44 minute bike
Day 3 - rest
Day 4 - 15 minute swim
Day 5 - 22 minute run
Day 6 - rest
Day 6 - 38 minute bike followed by a 15 minute run
Also, please be aware that you may want to register sooner rather than later, as it did sell out last year. Here's the link to the page. http://www.pasadenatriathl
If you're worried about having the right gear, please know that the only things you really need are running shoes, a bathing suit, shorts/t-shirt, and a bike (any bike will do). Remember, if you've got questions, email me, post, or call.